We're glad you're taking the time to visit our website and hope as you learn more about God's work here, you'll decide to visit with us soon.
SEC is a community where you are welcome as our guest to come as you are, meet with Jesus and be introduced to others who know and love Him. We desire that God is worshipped and honored through relevant messages grounded in His unchanging Word and all people can build lasting, authentic relationships with Him and one another. Our mission is simple: We exist to know Jesus and make Him known. We strive to help people come to Jesus, grow in their faith, serve others, and go share the message of God's love with everyone.
We pray you will join us on this journey and hope to provide you with meaningful opportunities to connect with others who share this vision. If you're just beginning to explore how God may be relevant in your life, or have been walking with God for years, we want to meet you on whatever path you are traveling.
As you explore our site, you'll find basic information about our church. We're an active church, so there are plenty of opportunities for children, teens and adults of all ages. Full-fledged children's department filled with energetic worship, practical instruction, and fun volunteers assist you in teaching your children the foundational truths of God's Word. A dynamic Student Ministry program helps teens develop meaningful friendships and challenges them in their spiritual growth. We also have small group Bible studies and plenty of ministry opportunities for all ages to choose from. If you have any questions, please call or email us and let us answer them.